I had already had a faint taste of disgust in my mouth with AT&T having been an iPhone customer with them for 2 years. But I decided to order DSL service with them once I moved. Bad, bad idea. Since I installed the service a month ago in May. I have had nothing but issues and problems. The DSL always goes down and there were days with no access at all. I even went to the public library to use their fast internet. A total of 3 technicians have come out to check on the "wires" or services. One said that the wires were wet on the street and he fixed that. But when there is another storm I might have issues. This last one told me that Beverly Hills does not want AT&T in their manholes so, the city won't let them upgrade their boxes and it is politics.
I am too far away from their boxes to get reliable, fast service - Which I currently pay for. He suggested I downgrade to their basic service so it will be more reliable.
Then honestly said it would be a good idea to just switch to Time Warner if I really wanted faster internet service.
I am happy someone told me the truth, I knew it couldn't be fixed since I had been calling almost every other day about my shitty service. I am wondering why AT&T even approved of the service at this address, knowing it didn't have good coverage in this area. I have never had such shitty, unreliable internet service in my life.
And I called Time Warner today to see if I qualified for their service and they are getting back to me.
Once I am approved from them I will cut off AT&T with both internet service and hopefully by that time phone service. I am so done with over paying for crappy services. My phone always drops calls here every single time I am on the phone. It is getting beyond ridiculous. And earlier I had no internet AND no phone service.
I love the internet and this DSL service starting making me hate the very thing that I love.
I could barely browse a page, hence why I haven't done another show. I have been going through webby torture with this! lol.
Hopefully it will all be resolved in the next couple of weeks.