Times are tough, and you don't have money to spend on a music app but you have dope video skills? Win the app free ;)
What you need to do:
Submit a 1indienation fan video to 1indienation at gmail dot com.
send the link to the video or ask me about services to send the whole file ie: dropbox, yousendit, mediafire.
In the video please be creative, add covers of your favorite episodes, text, lyrics etc.
Upload your video on any video platform you favor; Youtube, Vimeo, 12seconds.tv
Make sure you tag the video with 1indienation app, music, podcast and the 1indienation.com website.
The video can be anywhere from 12 seconds - 2 mins long.
By making this video you agree to let the 1indienation podcast use the video freely as promotion on the web. I might put it on a future cast if it is super kewlz! :)
I love hearing your feedback, so this is a chance for me to connect with you! I want to know why you enjoy the podcast and why I should continue making them ;)
I do this all for you, so show me a lil love!
I will pick the best three I receive for the free app. I might even do a voting system with other people involved to pick which ones are best. Good Luck and Happy Holidays!
Contest deadline is December 31, 2009.
The 1indienation podcast app is available now to purchase in the itunes store!
Please rate and leave a comment! kisses xx